寓意健康長壽的祝壽佳品。這期視頻跟大家分享 #壽桃包 的做法。壽桃包也叫 #壽桃 、#長壽包 、#壽包 、壽桃饅頭等等。數千百年來,壽桃包都帶有吉祥喜慶的寓意,適合作為生日和壽宴的祝賀食品,還可以用來拜祭神明與祖先。
In this video, I will share with you the practice of Longevity Peach Bun. Longevity Peach Bun is also called Shou Tao, Longevity Bao, Shou Tao, Shou Tao Mantou and so on. For thousands of years, Longevity Peach Bun has auspicious and festive meanings, suitable for birthdays and birthday banquets, and can also be used to worship gods and ancestors.
The method of Longevity Peach Bun is similar to that of steamed buns, except that the first fermentation is omitted, which increases the time for making styling later. In order to make the shape easier to set, the dough is also slightly harder. In the video, I used plain flour (all-purpose flour) to make the peach buns, which have a firm texture and become firmer after cooling. If you want to pursue a delicate taste, you can replace it with paw flour which you can buy in bakery stores. The peach buns are delicate in taste and white in colour. It is not recommended to use low-protein flour. This requires too much craftsmanship. Master friends can challenge it.
Warm reminder: All materials are best prepared first. To make longevity peach buns, the most important fermentation time must be mastered. If the steamed buns are over-fermented, the skin will be blistered and wrinkled after being steamed, and it will not look good. Finally, it takes more time to make the leaves, and the movements must be fast. Of course, the finished product is more delicate and beautiful. If you don't want to make leaves, you can also make one more peach bun without wasting.
原來分量(-) | 計算分量(/2) | 計算分量(x2) |
配方:(可以做8個壽桃包) | 4個 | 16個 |
普通麵粉(中筋粉)...250g | 125g | 500g |
酵母...3g | 1.5g | 6g |
細砂糖...25g | 12.5g | 50g |
牛奶...140g*** | 70g | 280g |
玉米油...8g | 4g | 16g |
紅豆沙...25g/一個,一共8個 | 0.5個 | 2個 |
紅色與綠色食用色素...少許 | ||
油紙/烘焙紙剪8小張 | ||
***牛奶的分量要根據你用的麵粉牌子來調整。不同牌子的麵粉有不同的吸水性,可能要加減10g左右來做調整。 | 5g | 20g |
Recipe: (you can make 8 peach buns) | ||
Plain flour (all-purpose flour)...250g | 125g | 500g |
Yeast...3g | 1.5g | 6g |
Castor sugar...25g | 12.5g | 50g |
Milk...140g*** | 70g | 280g |
Corn oil...8g | 4g | 16g |
Red bean paste...25g/each, total 8 | 12.5g | 50g |
Red and green food colouring...a little | ||
8 pieces of oil paper/baking paper | ||
***The amount of milk should be adjusted according to the brand of flour you use. Different brands of flour have different water absorption properties, you may need to add or subtract about 10g to make adjustments. | 5g | 20g |
壽桃包做法 │ 寓意健康長壽的祝壽佳品 Handmade Longevity Peach Bun